Tuesday, August 30, 2011

BIG HOUSE 2011 !!!!!

Where: Latimer Boy Scout Camp next to Fall Creek Falls

When: October 21-23,2011

Who: Dustin "Hillbill" McClain

What: Bible Study, Worship, Amazing views, Repelling, Mtn. Biking, Field Games, Fishing and CAPTURE THE FLAG

Cost: $100.00

Thursday, August 25, 2011


White Co, High School September 13 & Sept 14th at 6:30 PM in Cookeville at
 Prescott South Middle School
1859 South Jefferson Avenue
Cookeville, Tennessee

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

33 Miles: Arms that hold the universe
        to our
     33 MILES
Aug. 21 11:00am & 6:00 pm concert

Monday, May 16, 2011

Study Questions: John 6:1-24

John 6:1-4
1. Why is a great crowd following Jesus?
2. What were the reasons you were drawn to Him? Have any of those changed?
3. When someone shares a miraculous story do you tend to be excited or skeptical?

John 6:5-9
1. Why does Jesus ask them where they can buy bread?
2. What does that tell you about the way Jesus works in our lives?
3. Spend time today thinking about the way Jesus asks you questions to test your faith.
    Is there anything He's asking you right now?

John 6:10-13
1. How much food does Jesus have to work with?
2. How much food do the people have to eat?
3. Spend time today thinking about what Jesus can do with the things your willing to give him.

John 6:14-15
1. What do the people want to do with Jesus after this event?
2. How does He respond?
3. Spend time today thinking about the kind of King Jesus is and how we
     reflect his presence in our lives.

John 6:16-21
1. Do you think the disciples view of Jesus changed after this?
2. How do you usually respond to the storms in your life?
3. Think about the miracles you have seen God do and how they effect your relationship to him.
4. What difference does this story make as you face the storms in your life?

Monday, May 2, 2011

John Ch. 5 Questions

John 5:16-18
1. What are two reasons  the Jews want to kill Jesus?
2. Why are they so threatened by him?
3. When do you feel threatened by God's authority in your life?

John 5:19-23
1. Do you think it is possible to believe in God without believing in Jesus?
2. In what ways is Jesus equal with the Father?
3. How are Jesus and God different?

John 5:24-25
1. According to Jesus, what does it take to cross over from death to life?
2. Are you sure that you have crossed over from death to life?
3. How can we be sure that we have spiritual life?

John 5:26-30
1. Why does Jesus have the authority to judge us?
2. How will we be judged?
3. Are you excited about the day you will meet Jesus face to face?

John 5:31-40
1. What four testimonies does Jesus mention in this passage?
2. Which one carries the most weight?
3. Why should the Jews know that Jesus is who he says he is?

John 5:41-47
1. What is the difference between praise from men and praise from God?
2. Which of these do you seek the most?
3. What are some ways we can look for praise from God instead of people?

John 4:43-5:15

John 4:43-48
1. Why does Jesus respond the way He does to the man's request?
2. What is Jesus response to the man who begs him to heal his son?
3.How would you have responded to what Jesus told him to do?

John 4:49-50
1. How does the man show his faith in Jesus?
2. Do you tend to take Jesus at his word or continue to worry?
3. Does it ever bother you when Jesus doesn't do things the way you think He should?

John 4:51-54
1. What caused the man's household to believe?
2. Do you think the man's faith played a part in their belief?
3. Spend time today thinking about whether your faith is a testimony to others.

John 5:1-6
1. Why do you think Jesus asked the man if he wanted to get well?
2. Does the man respond by answering the question?
3. What does he say?

John 5:7-9
1. How does Jesus respond to the man's excuses?
2. How long does it take for the man to be healed?
3. Spend time today thinking about the things you need to stop making excuses for
    and instead respond to what God is asking you to do.

John 5:10-15
1. What does Jesus say to the man when he sees him again?
2. Do you think its worse to be physically sick or spiritually sick?
3. In what ways to people try to be healed spiritually outside of Christ?

Monday, March 21, 2011

John Ch.4 questions

Day 1:  John 4:1-10
1. Why is the woman surprised that Jesus initiates a conversation with her?
2. Compare this woman of Samaria with Nicodemus, what are the similarities/differences?
3. Give three things which the woman of Samaria needed to know and do
    which are also necessary in every experience of true Christian conversion (4:10).
Day 2:  John 4:11--15
1. What kind of water does Jesus offer the woman?
2. What is the main difference between the water of the earth and the water Jesus offers?
3. After the woman takes the first step of vs. 15, how does Jesus pinpoint her immediate problem 
    as he continues the conversation?

Day 3:  John 4:16-19
1. Why does Jesus tell the woman to go call her husband?
2. Is He just being mean? Why or why not?
3. Spend time today thinking about what Jesus would confront you with
    if he had a heart to heart talk with you.

Day 4:  John 4:20-26
1. How does "you worship what you do not know" (4:22) apply to many religious people today?
2. What does Jesus say about true worshipers?
3. Is it important where or how they worshiped?

Day 5:  John 4:27-30
1. What changes do you see in this woman after her encounter with Jesus?
2. What was the first thing she did?
3. What was the result of her testimony?
4. Who first told you about their relationship to Jesus.  How did you come to know Jesus?

John Ch. 3 Questions

Day 1  John 3:1-5
1. Why do you think Nicodemus came to Jesus?
2. How did Nicodemus misunderstand Jesus?
3. What did Jesus mean when he said "born of water and the Spirit"?

Day 2:  John 3:6-8
1. Have you been born of the "water and the Spirit"?
2. How does being born of the Spirit compare to the wind?
3. How does Christ describe a person who has not experienced spiritual birth?
4. How do we see the effects of being "born again"? Can others see this in you?

Day 3:  John 3:9-15
1.  Can a person know for sure whether he/she is "born again" or not?
2.  What does Jesus claim about himself in vs. 13-15?
3.  How does the "snake in the desert" (Numbers 21:4-9) illustrate what he has come to do?

Day 4:  John 3:16-18
1.  What stands out to you in these verses about what God wants to do?
2.  How will belief show itself?
3.  What is the condition for obtaining eternal life according to these verses?

Day 5:  John 3:19-21
1.  According to these verses, what does it take to live in the light?
2.  How much of your life are you living in the light?
3.  In vs. 21 if we are in the light, what will we live by?

Thursday, January 27, 2011

John Ch. 2 Questions

John 2:13-25
Day 1: 
John 2:13-14
1. In John 3:34 how was the actual physical body of Jesus the temple of God?
2.  How do you think Jesus felt when He saw what was going on in the temple?
3. Why were the money changers selling animals in the temple?

Day 2:
John 2:15-17
1. Does Jesus reaction to what he sees at the temple surprise you? Why or why not?
2. Why did the moneychangers activities anger Jesus?
3. What might anger Jesus in todays culture?
4. What statement was Jesus making with His actions in the temple?

Day 3:
John 2:18-19
1. How do you think the Jews felt when Jesus said what He did? How would you have felt?
2. Spend time today thinking about the words Jesus says that can be confusing when you first hear them but make sense later on.
3. What is Jesus referring to in verse 19?

Day 4:
John 2:20-21
1. How did the Jews misunderstand by taking Him literally? Have you ever done this?
2. What are some other figures of speech Jesus said to make a larger point?
3. What did the signs that Jesus performed sometimes cause?

Day 5:
John 2:22-25
1. According to these verses do you think Jesus cared about what people thought of Him?
2. How can we follow Jesus' example in regard to how we respond to what people think/say about us?
3. How can Jesus glory, zeal, and knowledge effect the way you live this week?

Saturday, January 15, 2011

John Ch. 1 questions

 Day 1: John 1:1-5
1. What word or phrase stands out to you from this passage? Why?
2. What facts about "The Word" can you find in these verses?
3. How is this passage similar to Genesis 1:1? How is it different?
4. Spend time today thinking about how you have experienced life and/or light 
    in your relationship with Christ.

Day 2: John 1:6-9
1. What word or phrase stands out to you from this passage? Why?
2. What was John's purpose here on earth? How is it similar to ours?
3. Spend some time today thinking about how you have been a witness
    to the light of Christ.

Day 3: John 1:10-14
1.What word or phrase stands out to you from this passage? Why?
2. According to this passage, how do we become children of God?
    Have you become  a child of God?
3. Spend time today thinking about what it means to be God's child?
4. How would someone "full of grace and truth" treat others?

Day 4: John 1:15-18
1.What word or phrase stands out to you from this passage? Why?
2. How could Jesus have come before John if Jesus was born after John?
3. What in vs 17,18 do we learn about God through Jesus?

Day 5: John 1:19-28
1.What word or phrase stands out to you from this passage? Why?
2. Who do people think John is? Who does John say he is?
3. Do you have the same resolve to carry out God's will in your 
    life as John did for his own life?

Day 6: John 1:29-34 
1.What word or phrase stands out to you from this passage? Why?
2. What does John call Jesus? Why do you think he refers to Jesus this way?
3. What is one "evidence" that has led you to faith in Jesus?

Day 7: John 1:1-34
Read through the whole chapter and write out the verse that means the most to you.
Meditate on the verse today, and for an extra challenge memorize it