Saturday, January 15, 2011

John Ch. 1 questions

 Day 1: John 1:1-5
1. What word or phrase stands out to you from this passage? Why?
2. What facts about "The Word" can you find in these verses?
3. How is this passage similar to Genesis 1:1? How is it different?
4. Spend time today thinking about how you have experienced life and/or light 
    in your relationship with Christ.

Day 2: John 1:6-9
1. What word or phrase stands out to you from this passage? Why?
2. What was John's purpose here on earth? How is it similar to ours?
3. Spend some time today thinking about how you have been a witness
    to the light of Christ.

Day 3: John 1:10-14
1.What word or phrase stands out to you from this passage? Why?
2. According to this passage, how do we become children of God?
    Have you become  a child of God?
3. Spend time today thinking about what it means to be God's child?
4. How would someone "full of grace and truth" treat others?

Day 4: John 1:15-18
1.What word or phrase stands out to you from this passage? Why?
2. How could Jesus have come before John if Jesus was born after John?
3. What in vs 17,18 do we learn about God through Jesus?

Day 5: John 1:19-28
1.What word or phrase stands out to you from this passage? Why?
2. Who do people think John is? Who does John say he is?
3. Do you have the same resolve to carry out God's will in your 
    life as John did for his own life?

Day 6: John 1:29-34 
1.What word or phrase stands out to you from this passage? Why?
2. What does John call Jesus? Why do you think he refers to Jesus this way?
3. What is one "evidence" that has led you to faith in Jesus?

Day 7: John 1:1-34
Read through the whole chapter and write out the verse that means the most to you.
Meditate on the verse today, and for an extra challenge memorize it

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