Thursday, January 27, 2011

John Ch. 2 Questions

John 2:13-25
Day 1: 
John 2:13-14
1. In John 3:34 how was the actual physical body of Jesus the temple of God?
2.  How do you think Jesus felt when He saw what was going on in the temple?
3. Why were the money changers selling animals in the temple?

Day 2:
John 2:15-17
1. Does Jesus reaction to what he sees at the temple surprise you? Why or why not?
2. Why did the moneychangers activities anger Jesus?
3. What might anger Jesus in todays culture?
4. What statement was Jesus making with His actions in the temple?

Day 3:
John 2:18-19
1. How do you think the Jews felt when Jesus said what He did? How would you have felt?
2. Spend time today thinking about the words Jesus says that can be confusing when you first hear them but make sense later on.
3. What is Jesus referring to in verse 19?

Day 4:
John 2:20-21
1. How did the Jews misunderstand by taking Him literally? Have you ever done this?
2. What are some other figures of speech Jesus said to make a larger point?
3. What did the signs that Jesus performed sometimes cause?

Day 5:
John 2:22-25
1. According to these verses do you think Jesus cared about what people thought of Him?
2. How can we follow Jesus' example in regard to how we respond to what people think/say about us?
3. How can Jesus glory, zeal, and knowledge effect the way you live this week?

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