Day 1: John 4:1-10
1. Why is the woman surprised that Jesus initiates a conversation with her?
2. Compare this woman of Samaria with Nicodemus, what are the similarities/differences?
3. Give three things which the woman of Samaria needed to know and do
which are also necessary in every experience of true Christian conversion (4:10).
Day 2: John 4:11--15
1. What kind of water does Jesus offer the woman?
2. What is the main difference between the water of the earth and the water Jesus offers?
3. After the woman takes the first step of vs. 15, how does Jesus pinpoint her immediate problem
as he continues the conversation?
Day 3: John 4:16-19
1. Why does Jesus tell the woman to go call her husband?
2. Is He just being mean? Why or why not?
3. Spend time today thinking about what Jesus would confront you with
if he had a heart to heart talk with you.
Day 4: John 4:20-26
1. How does "you worship what you do not know" (4:22) apply to many religious people today?
2. What does Jesus say about true worshipers?
3. Is it important where or how they worshiped?
Day 5: John 4:27-30
1. What changes do you see in this woman after her encounter with Jesus?
2. What was the first thing she did?
3. What was the result of her testimony?
4. Who first told you about their relationship to Jesus. How did you come to know Jesus?
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