Monday, March 21, 2011

John Ch. 3 Questions

Day 1  John 3:1-5
1. Why do you think Nicodemus came to Jesus?
2. How did Nicodemus misunderstand Jesus?
3. What did Jesus mean when he said "born of water and the Spirit"?

Day 2:  John 3:6-8
1. Have you been born of the "water and the Spirit"?
2. How does being born of the Spirit compare to the wind?
3. How does Christ describe a person who has not experienced spiritual birth?
4. How do we see the effects of being "born again"? Can others see this in you?

Day 3:  John 3:9-15
1.  Can a person know for sure whether he/she is "born again" or not?
2.  What does Jesus claim about himself in vs. 13-15?
3.  How does the "snake in the desert" (Numbers 21:4-9) illustrate what he has come to do?

Day 4:  John 3:16-18
1.  What stands out to you in these verses about what God wants to do?
2.  How will belief show itself?
3.  What is the condition for obtaining eternal life according to these verses?

Day 5:  John 3:19-21
1.  According to these verses, what does it take to live in the light?
2.  How much of your life are you living in the light?
3.  In vs. 21 if we are in the light, what will we live by?

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