Youth Devotions in JOHN

JOHN 16:16-33
1. What problems have you been through in your life that you can laugh about now?
2. What problems have you experienced that you wouldn't wish on your worst enemy?
3. What does Jesus tell his disciples they don't understand in v.16-18?
4. What does Jesus say is going to happen to the disciples? v.20
5. Why would the mom in v.21 forget her pain?
6. What do an athlete, a student, and a pregnant woman have in common?
7. As we go through these challenges and grow, what does God promise in v.33?
8. Jesus makes another promise in v. 23-24? What is it?
9. The purpose of Bible study isn't just to know profound truths, its to get to know our heavenly Father better, we seem to get the closest as we go through trials.
10. Why was Jesus telling them about all the nasty things that were about to happen? v33
11. How is it possible to have peace when there is trouble?

JOHN 15:9-17
1. What does it take for someone to be your friend?
2. How much does Jesus love us? v.9
3. What do we need to do to experience that degree of love? v9-10
4. What is the result of recieving God's love? v11
5. What is the proof of real love? v12-13
6. Do you consider yourself a friend of God?
7. What are some ways you show your friendship to Him?
8. What are the benefits of being a friend of God?
9. How did God show his friendship to the disciples?
10. What does it mean that God makes fruit in our lives that will LAST? v.16

JOHN 15:1-8
1. Have you ever planted something and watched it grow?
2. We have fruit in our lives as we stay connected to Christ, if spiritual fruit optional?
3. What does God do to help us grow more?
4. Have you ever felt "pruned" by God?
5. The word abide is used 11 times in 11 verses,what does that mean?
6. What can we accomplish without God? v5
7. With Him?
8. What is the "fruit" of the christian life?
9. What does Proverbs 10:21 mean?

JOHN 14:15-28
1. Have you ever experienced God's presence? What was that like?
2. How do we show our love for God? v.15
3. What does the Holy Spirit have to do with obedience? v15-21
4. How are the disciples to show love to each other? v.34
5. Why do you think this idea is repeated four times? (15,21,23,24)
6. How does Jesus set the example for us in v.31?
7. What do we learn about God in v.18?
8. What two things does Jesus call the Holy Spirit? v.16,17
9. Holy Spirit lives where? v17
10. How at home are the Father,Son,and Spirit in your life?
11. What does Jesus say the Holy Spirit will do for the disciples? v.26-27
12. How is the world's peace different from God's peace? v.27
13. Where do you need God's peace?
14. What promises are given in v.21-23?

JOHN 14:1-14
1.Our hearts become easily stressed, in v.1 what does Jesus tell them to do?
2. Why was it necessary for Him to leave?
3. What room in your house do you like the most?
4. How do you imagine the room that God is preparing for us?
5. Jesus tells us He is coming back. Does this make you excited or afraid?
6. How do we get to heaven according to v.1-6?
7. Do you believe that Jesus is the only way to God?
8. What do we learn about Jesus and God in v.10-11?
9. What is going to happen after Jesus leaves and goes to the Father?
10. Do you believe you are able to do great things for God?
11. What are those things? If not,why not?
12. Do you think v.14 applies to us today?

1. What three qualities make a great leader?
2. If you had to pick the greatest leader in history who would it be?
3. What is about to happen to Jesus? (v1-5)
4. What makes Peter change his mind about having his feet washed (v8)
5. What example does Jesus set in this chapter?
6. Why do you think Jesus washed the disciples feet first, then explained it?
7. If Jesus already knew what Judas was going to do, why do you think he washed his feet? (v.2,10)
8. What does this tell you about Jesus love?
9. What do you think Jesus means when He tells the disciples to wash each others feet?
10. What does Jesus promise in v.17? Have you ever experienced this?

JOHN 12:20-50
1. How does Jesus say he will be glorified? (v24)
2. What happens to a seed when it is planted in the ground?
3. How does this apply to us?
4. What is the outcome of losing our life? (v26)
5. What does Jesus say is the reason He came to earth? (v47)
6. How does it make you feel that Jesus was willing to die in our place?
7. What four things does Jesus say about light in v.35-36,46
8. What does Jesus say people need to do to NOT walk in darkness? (v.36)
9. What does it mean to 'walk in the light'?
10. Where is Jesus calling you to die so you can truly live?
11. What do you tend to hold onto instead of following Jesus?
12. Do you feel like you are walking in the dark, the light, or some shadow land right now?
 John 12:1-11
1. What formerly dead person is present at the dinner?
2. How do you think people were responding to him?
3. Who objects to what Mary did in this passage?
4. Have you ever spent money on something people thought was a waste?
5. Who is serving at this dinner?(v.2)
6. What does Mary do? (v.3)
7. What does Judas say after she is done? (v4-5)
8. What does Judas care about most?
9. How does Jesus respond to what Mary did? (v7-8)
10. Does vs 8 mean that money should be spent on worship instead of the poor? (hint.....No)
11. If you were in the same room with Jesus and had a chance to express your love to Him, how would                 you do that?

Day 1: John 11:1-7
1. How do you think Mary and Martha felt when they realized Jesus got their message but didn't leave for two more days?
2. Have you ever been disappointed when God didn't show up when you wanted him to?
3. Whats the most amazing thing you've ever seen God do?

Day 2: John 11:7-16
1. What does Jesus do when he hears the news about Lazarus?
2. What does he say to the disciples about Lazarus condition?
3. What misunderstandings do you see between Jesus and his disciples in this passage?

Day 3: John 11:17-22
1. How long had Lazarus been dead by the time Jesus got there?
2. What does Martha do when she hears Jesus is coming?
3. How does Martha show her faith in spite of her disappointment in these verses?

Day 4: John 11:23-27
1. How does Jesus describe himself here?
2.  How do you think Martha felt when she heard him say this?
3. Does the fact that Jesus power extends beyond death change the way you feel about your own death?
Day 5: John 11:28-44
1. Why does Jesus cry if he already knows what he is going to do? What does that tell you about him?
2. How do you think the crowd responded when they saw Lazarus come out of the tomb?
3. What tough situation have you faced recently that ended up stretching your faith?

Day 1: John 10:1-6
1. Can you identify the sheep and the shepherd in this passage?
2. When your with your friends do you tend to be a leader or a follower?
3. What words would you use to describe sheep?

Day 2: John 10:7-10
1. What is the relationship of the sheep to the shepherd?
2. How do the sheep respond to the shepherd?
3. What does the shepherd offer them?

Day 3: John 10:11-13
1. Think about the difference between the shepherd and the "hired hand"?
2. Who has been that person in your life and how has God shows he cares for you in a deeper way?
3. What sacrifice has the shepherd made for you?

Day 4: John 10:14-21
1. Who do you think the sheep are that are "not of this sheep pen"?
2. How does Jesus show his love for all people in this passage?
3. What is the determining factor that makes someone "a sheep"?

Day 5: John 10:22-42
1. How does Jesus diagnose their problem?
2. How do the leaders interpret Jesus claim to be one with God?
3. Do you think of Jesus as your shepherd? What ways has He led you?

Day 1: John 9:1-5
1.What was the reason this man was blind? 
2. Do you believe people's physical conditions are tied to their spiritual conditions?
3. What are some ways that ours or others weaknesses and disabilities can point to God's work in our lives?

Day 2: John 9:6-12
1. How is the blind man healed?
2. How do others react to the man who was healed?
3. How is similar to the way people respond today?

Day 3: John 9:13-16
1. Why do the Pharisees refuse to accept that Jesus healed the man?
2. Think about ways we "put God in a box" and don't accept when He works differently than we think He should.  
3. Were the Pharisees looking for reasons to believe in Jesus?
3. Which is worse to be physically blind or spiritually blind?

Day 4: John 9:17-23
1. Why are the man's parents brought into the investigation?
2. How do they show their intimidation by the Pharisees?
3. Think about ways you've been intimidated and kept from sharing your beliefs & stand strong next time :)

Day 5: John 9:24-41
1. How does the man show boldness in his witness for Christ?
2. How do the blind see and those who see become blind?
3. How would you rate your spiritual sight?

John 8:1-30

Day 1:
1. Why do the Pharisees bring the woman in front of the crowd? Where is the man?
2. Think about a time when you did something wrong and only one of you were caught. How did it feel?
3. Why do you think Jesus bent down and started writing? Was there a purpose in this?

Day 2: 
1. How does Jesus change the focus of what's happening in this passage? Why do the older people leave first?
2. Do you tend to be more critical of others or yourself?
3. How do Jesus words about judgement (v.15-16) relate to what happened in the previous encounter with the woman?

Day 3:
1. What trap were the pharisees trying to catch Jesus in?
2. Why did Jesus let the adulterous woman go?
3. What attitude towards sin- your own sin and others sin - does this story encourage you to learn from Jesus?

Day 4: 
1. How do Jesus words in vs. 11 hit home with you? Which do you need to hear more: "Neither do i condemn you" or "Go and sin no more"?
2.  What was Jesus doing when they brought the woman to him?
3. Who is left after Jesus' challenge?

Day 5:
1. What do we have to do to walk in darkness?
2. What do we have to do to walk in the light?
3. What might change in your family, school, team, or church if you had Jesus attitude in John 8:28?

John 7 Feast Fight
Day 1: vs 1-8
1. Has anyone close to you ever doubted your abilities or held you back in any way?
2. Why do people sometimes hold back or put down the abilities of those they are close to?
3. In v.4 Jesus brothers tell him to "put on a show for the world",  do you think they were really concerned for him? What is Jesus response in v. 8?

Day 2:
1. Would you say God's timing is random or deliberate?
2. What situation do you need to trust  God's timing about right now?
3. Look at these verses in chapter 7 about God's timing: 6,8,14,30,33,37

Day 3: vs 14-24
1. How does Jesus give himself credibility in his speech?
2. What does he declare to the Jews?
3. Do you tend to judge more by appearances or by what's really important?

Day 4: vs 25-30
1. Why are the pharisees so upset?
2. Why can't they seize Jesus and stop him from teaching?
3. What is causing all the confusion?

Day 5: vs 31-43
1. Why do you think Jesus waited until the last day of the feast to address the crowd? (v37)
2. Who is he speaking to?
3. What does he say they should do? Look up Psalm 27:14.